Besides, we would like to say that; 'It is depending on the occasion' or 'It depends on the season', or 'It depends on the time of the day' or 'It depends on what food that you are having with the beer'
Most people who ask that question get quite impatient at any of the above answers and stare you in the eyes and say 'But if you can just name ONE'.
Many of us have experienced that situation and felt how impossible it is to answer that question. However, after doing some extensive testing...... :-) for months and months and months.... here is the answer:
Diamond Bear Two Term Double IPA !!!!!

Diamond Bear Brewery
Let it be known to the rest of the world, this is the best beer ever made.
I can just not get tired of this beer and it is amazing. Once in a while you run into a special beer that just throws you away because of it's enormous scent or extreme bitterness or alluring complexity. But after trying that type of beer at several times, you kind of feel that your first impression was somewhat out of shock and after a while you get a little bit used to what you thought was the best you ever tried.
When Two Term IPA was available at Diamond Bear brewery, I stocked up on two cases without having tried it even once before. The next week I went back to the brewery and bought 4 more cases since I was sure that this beer is going to sell out extremely fast. I have since then tried this beer frequently for almost 6 months now and I just can't get tired of it.
It has a perfect balance of malt and hops, a little bit more on the hoppier side than the malt which I prefer. It has an enormous full bouquet of flavor and scent but is still extremely drinkable. If I had to choose one single beer to drink for the rest of my life it would be Two term IPA because you just cannot get tired of it and I have found out that it satisfy both the Connoisseur and the newbie .
During Little Rocks foamfest last weekend, some of my friends got to try Two term IPA for their first time and they loved it. Compare that to the extreme Goose Island Bourbon Stout which also was served at foamfest and which I actually saw several people pouring out because of it's extreme flavor and texture while people gulped down every bit of their Two Term IPA.
I have served this beer to friends from Little Rock to Boston and everybody raves about this beer but unfortunately I don't think the brewery understands what a jackpot they have hit with it. Why would they in that case brew this as a seasonal only?
Wish that I could send a few 6-packs to my beer club in Sweden, I know that they would agree about the greatness of this beer. I just want more.
2 kommentarer:
Lasse! Kan du inte börja med att slå in 2 flaskor ordentligt i plast och skicka det till mig;-) Jag förmodar att du har kollat in omdömet på BeerAdvocate ( Världens bästa IPA enligt Ratbeer är AleSmith IPA! Den drack jag häromdagen och den var en riktig höjdare. Vore kul om du fick tag på den och kan göra en jämförelse.
Jo, jag kollade faktiskt upp den på BeerAdvocate och den fick förhållandevis lågt betyg. Det beror troligen på att den inte har lanserats, inte ens i Arkansas. Som jag nämnt tidigare så såldes resterande batch endast i omärkta flaskor direkt på bryggeriet, den andra delen av batchen serverades på endast 3 olika restauranger i Little Rock så inte många har haft chans att prova den.
Jag brukade frekventera BeerAdvocate ofta tidigare men blev så trött på hur folk beskriver sina tester av öl. Det är så statiskt att det blir långtråkigt att läsa.
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